Extraordinary, defined as beyond what is normal or simple above ordinary. A term used to coin anything with something too much like "superman is extraordinary" or "that girl is extraordinarily beautiful" and things like that. Extraordinary, being more than normal is a compliment to anybody but have you ever thought that the word extraordinary has the same meaning as abnormal? Abnormal bears the meaning of something not typical or normal. The definition of extraordinary which is "beyond normal" falls under the definition of abnormal which is "not normal" like a rock. So being abnormal can be a compliment as much as being extraordinary can be an insult. Extraordinary can be quantified with the two words it has been composed of, "Extra" and "Ordinary". Extraordinary can also mean as nothing but something being more ordinary, not "more than ordinary" which is something above ordinary, but "more ordinary" meaning just more ordinary which is no different from being just ordinary at all.
That is just the puzzle with life. You can give a lot of things a lot of meaning according to your own perspective. Anything has a secret from within. The key to opening up that secret from the chest on which it is buried onto is up to you on how you will look unto it and see it beyond the words that it hides with. Understanding is the key to implications, getting deep to the implied is more than observation. Everything is implied to anything, the subtilty of it makes it more interesting to detect what lies beneath it. Everything can be implied but implication doesn't sell that is why a lot of things are made as obvious as possible to people just to sell. For example, there are so much ways to imply that something sexual has happened to the protagonists in a movie which they do in the early days. But nowadays it seems that writers and directors say it is essential to have those kind of scenes in their movies because of it is a part of the plot. Those are parts of the movies that can be made implied but instead is still shown for it sells to the people at a monetary value and they still say it is for art's sake. It is just the liberation of time for it art is not the change of time. Art doesn't need to be obvious and be there as for it will gain monetary value. The beauty of it can be seen by different people in different perspectives which gives its subtilty the essence of it. Something so beautiful can't be seen by everybody nor can be recognized by anybody, but can only be seen as for who understands what that beauty is made of and avert their sight of perception to the obvious beauty it shows at first glance for it is not the essence of it but how it will be interpreted by understanding that person or thing.
Bliss of Euphoria
"When you see the tassels, you will remember and obey all the commands of the LORD instead of following your own desires and defiling yourselves, as you are prone to do." quoted by a very good friend of mine from Numbers 15:39. A very biblical answer to my problems and hardships at that time. In the midst of despair she was one who had the care to give me courage to keep on standing. One to be able to talk to and share the bitterness from within me without any complaint nor judgement. One who was there when I was most alone and had no one to turn to except God and work. This pulchritudinous lady is somewhat a very good friend of mine as I stated at the beginning of this write-up. Alluring and ravishing, she was the first friend I made in college. As quiet as I am where I never really talk to anyone I don't know nor made eye contact with them, I may just be a snob of some sort but she was bold enough to come to me and ask that we become friends. Maybe there is that certain charm of her that will made you feel light and blessed or she is just in fact, a great deal of beauty who dazzles everyone around her with such angelic feel. As I said she was the first friend I made in college and because of her that circle has grown, she has continued to be there even though I sort of cut-off our friendship for not being wise enough, she had been and has continued to be a good friend even though we don't really talk about anything special, she may be the wonder of friendship. Attractive isn't a term to describe her, she attracts people, a lot of them are boys, like bees in the sweet scent of a flower looking for nectar. Everywhere she goes she knows someone that is probably the essence of her popularity. Attractive and enticing but that is not her biggest asset but is her devotion to God. Everything she does is purpose of God. For she may resemble an angel, she is still human who is far from perfect. She is ignorant in a lot of ways that makes her hysterically amusing at times, a peculiar sense of humor in which is adorably cute when she laughs and kind of annoying when she laughs at loud[kidding there]. She acts the way she looks, like a child who finds everything in the world nice and good. She is able to find the good in people and able to touch the hearts of those who are deprived with her presence and words from God. She is not an angel but she can definitely qualify as one.
Those Days :|
Have you ever had such a dull day before? A day full of nothing. It's like a silent movie with no color, no story, no conflict, and no climax, just a boring old movie. If you were one of the emoticons for a day, you would be the one with the straight face :|. Just absolutely boring, just simply plain. It must be inevitable to us people to experience on of those days one way or the other. There's is nothing really special about it, you're not even sad or anything. You just feel that you are naturally uninspired and is not in the mood to even give out a single smile. Those are really one of those days. Perhaps the reason behind that is because you just found the day it self as stale and you did nothing to even spice it up. Imagine waking up just before afternoon then listening to four hours worth of lecture, by the way that is only one class, then ending that lecture with a ton of assignments. Yeah, naturally one would feel depressed seeing that he has to go home just to stay up late and finish those assignments then start the day over again with more in store. You can probably call it "What the Heck day!". That kind of day will leave some kind of a weight once you near the end of it which is probably the most frustrating thing about it. It just wouldn't leave you alone and attached itself on to you and it is up to you if you can get rid of it on the next day. But luckily, one may be saved from this agony. That is with the help of a certain someone who would suprisingly talk to you out of nowhere in which you may find climatic. You'll squeeze every bit of your time just to grant her modest request and be of good service to her. It can probably make your day worthwhile after all. Just hearing her soft voice will wanna make you smile and get inspired to continue on to your work. And for that I say thanks, and for that I am smling :) .
I saw the trailer for this movie about October or November last year, Imagine that it has already been 3 months since I saw this but it will only be showing now on selected cinemas. The actual date of the showing for this movie was actually January 24, 2011. I really hate it when I have to wait so many months just to watch a movie and then sometimes I forgot about it. Even though it is already downloadable in some sites I would still prefer to watch it at the theatres, preferably in 3D. It is just one of those movies I have to watch in the movie house and not on my computer. What movie is this you ask? It is some kind of a parody of the famous Rapunzel fairy tale, still by Disney but it had added comedic scenes in it and may I say some what really entertaining and cute. It is entitled "Tangled". I can't really comment on it yet but I must say that I'm really looking forward to see it soon if I can. Hope fully I can. Anyways, who would also like to watch it? It's is really funny and cute. Come on, let's watch this. :D
By the way, she talked to me today and I saw her sweet face and lovely voice again. Even though it was only in a few seconds and not that we really had something to talk about since she was interested in something else, it totally made my day good. You could say I got the scent of sweet sensation even for a couple of seconds.

Scent of Sweet Sensation
Never has been there a smell so sweet to the nose that it brings joy to whoever smells it. It tingles the mind and body into submission. A scent of sweet sensation as I call it. No one can really tell what exactly this formulation is or what define what the scent is but for those who has the perception of ghost can tell whether or not this fragrance is around. Nothing can compare to this fragrance that is drifting around the the atmosphere in silence. Perhaps that this is really in non-existent form to some but what do really exists? How can you be sure that the world you move on is reality or not. How can you feel that you are really one in this world and not in a dream. Smell the fragrance, see the beauty, hear the melody, taste the sweetness, feel the sensation. It does not matter whether or not you are dreaming, what matters is that you are able to be know what you feeling. You can tell yourself apart from others. Like any perfume, you can only distinguish yourself from the aroma you spread around you. Some may be too strong, some maybe too mild, some may be just right and some may be just sweet. It can vary to any people who smells it. It is not only unique to the owner but the scent too is unique to the one who smells it and each one smells differently from the others and from there you may find the one who you think has the sweet sensation you are looking for
Definition of "I"
Being confined into one area isn’t really his style, he likes to believe that he is purposely driven into the things he’s end up into doing. Cars are his passion and computers have become his close friend. Going easy on a lot of things really is a phrase for him but once he takes curiosity on one thing, he would probably pursue it until it dissipates. Pressure is one thing that he hates. He will get asphyxiated by it. His fixation on some things leads him to the road with no bounds. He is in pursuit of becoming a success in what he has entered into and he has no reason to remain confined within those fences. Decision is what life is, it is a tree that branches out every time a person makes one. It goes in a never ending loop maybe that is why it defines life. He does not hate life but he hates what defines it, making decision is the thing he avoids most. He often gets away with it by letting somebody else decide though that itself is a form of decision as well. Indecisive may coin the term for him but he is just a fearful person. Regrets make him weak, he hates regrets that it goes hand in hand with his indecisiveness. To make the wrong choice. To say the right thing means that you have to let go. To be able to back out means that you have the strength to move forward. Progress is the initiative of some. In honor is for some. But for him, it's regret. To be able to face that wrong move of his and take on both paths is him initiative although it is sometimes silly to walk both ways of the road. Often he tries to do both things just for nothing or no one be feeling let down. He is a man of his words, he will be there for you. He is a puzzle.
Just remembered that a certain someone also requested this and I never seemed to have complied.
Just remembered that a certain someone also requested this and I never seemed to have complied.
Everyday and All Day
Cherishing the past, treasuring the moments, appreciating the time, and missing that person. One can really never feel those things until the time that everything just simply vanishes or plainly, just depreciating the feeling one has had. Overstatement is the same as understatement. Being too weak is the same as being too strong. Silence is the same as clamor. Ironically, Different things means the same in a perceptive context. Meaning one can be there at all times and not notice while one can vanish and be looked for, that is how the story goes. After a few days of being beside each other, a sudden bolt of lightning struck the chain that is keeping them in one colloquium. He suddenly has to decide to take an opportunity or stay behind. Naturally, he would just go for that opportunity without hesitation but it got a little more complicated than that. He had to leave her behind because of the difference in schedules. For the short time that they had known each other and sat together, he couldn't imagine being anywhere else. For the first time after his world stopped right before his eyes, this girl was able to make it move again. "Hold on to those who makes you happy" but she doesn't just make him happy but rather she makes him smile with joy, grin in sulk, and light in loneliness. She was able to remove the heaviness he was carrying around him since that faithful day. She was the one who means to him a lot more than anybody thinks. Maybe she was just the one who made him realized that the door had close opened another one just in front of him. Never did he want to depart from the happiness that she had brought to him even if it was by surprise. Insanely enough though, he chose to walk the path away from her by taking the opportunity that has befallen upon him. A regrettable choice he knows for he will not be seeing, talking, or passing notes to this girl again. It will only just in occasions if those times may come. A risk he has taken and he believe he was ready to take. And yet, he misses her a lot, walking the halls expecting to hear her voice, peering by the Fenestella in case, and writing much and much just to continue making her smile. Even though what happens, he wants to continue this story on with her. She has given him the revelation of what Epiphany really is.
for this will never wither |
Though I can't fly
"While she looks so sad lonely there, I absolutely love her". A pretty face that she hid from the world that I absolutely love when she smiles. Honestly, I'm just so damn tired right now to be blogging. My mind isn't even working right now, physically tired from walking and carrying my laptop all day long and mentally tired by sitting in class for a lot of hours. But as the first line in this entry suggests, this is meant to someone who is in need of a little comfort. Everyday went normal as any other except for the first time we had to face our messed up and "thought up" schedule which was 12 hours in school with 3 and 2 hours breaks in the middle respectively. Stupidly, our schedule had wrong times in them so we ended up not attending 1 of them. But that is not what made my day a little more down than usual. Around the end of the class, I got the knowledge of a friend being deprived of her desires. In the moment of squander, the substance that would bring her smiles which can be seen form miles away had to be relinquish in just a moment of disregard. Feeling pity would be just an insult to injury at the moment and feeling sympathetic would be like just not caring at all. This fair damsel in distress would needs empathy, someone who can understand what it feels like to be in the shoe of that scenario. To understand her and be there for what is needed to be in place of to soften the blow of the sudden crisis that has befallen her. To talk to talk as we stand back to back in the moment that we see eye to eye for us to ease from heart to heart.
Fair damsel, for thy had been deprived by the sacred entity which would shout delight of expressions in thou visage. Disguising that sweet smile of yours with the cloak of anguish and distress would be meaningless. It would bring more depression to the world as for no one can ever see such pretty face in your times of bleakness. "While she looks so sad lonely there, I absolutely love her...." especially when she smiles. I yearn to extend thy hands to eliminate such sadness in your heart and bring that smile which captivates anyone even those who are in the ends of the world. A little essence of sweet scent which is synonymous to your personality may come in handy for the healing of the great tragedy. Though being deprived of this desire may pull you down, never look down. Remember to see the up in down, the right in wrong, the light in dark and always look for the hand that will pull you through. Have in a little more faith, you'll never be out of something. You'll almost have those you can put your faith in and you'll always have that pretty face that will let that sunset become the sunrise.
If I am only here to watch you as you suffer, I will let you down.
If I am only here to watch you as you suffer, I will let you down.
Absolutely - Nine Days[always liked that song but the music video is another thing though]
System.out.println("Hello Java");
Programming in Java or learning its concept for four hours straight can really be tiring yet fulfilling. That what has been the day for us in our class today as part of our Java training. from 12noon up to 4pm, nothing but Java was discussed. The funny thing is that for lunch, we ate at Reyes' Barbeque. Guess what we ate? Java rice. This is really a Java day for us but tomorrow would be worst. The schedule we have for tomorrow is from 730 in the morning
to 745 in the evening, more than 12 hours at school. We came to school with no sun and we leave school with no sun as well. It is like the 24hours Le Mans. Gotta have some hatin' for the ones you had put in this predicament. But, can we really do anything about it? hmmm, thoughts and emotions may come flying by when put in a situation when you don't know what to do and you are pressured to made a decision right away. Got to hate that feeling since you will not know what to regret in the end. Will you regret grabbing the opportunity or not grabbing it at all. A bit of a double edge sword cause the probability of failing the subject rises when you grab the opportunity and time is at stake. Having time for yourself may get difficult because of the hours rendered in Java training.
Let's look up the upside of it. It serves as a refresher for those times that I haven't been listening in the lectures of Java in my earlier years in college. Got a bit of the feel of Java too and decided to have a little fun with the "Hello World". Just got a thought of it because I'm gonna miss seeing her and hearing her soft voice since we are not classmates anymore. Supposedly, I would see her tomorrow but I guess it wouldn't be possible anymore. Who wouldn't have thought just when I finally made friends with her and gotten used to talking to her even though I just really never noticed her until now will come to an end so fast. Less than a week of fun has ended for me. The door that path that had opened has taken a separate route to what I have anticipated and that what makes it so sad. I am left speechless to what had demised, I want to return to that class again but then again, I want to take this training too. Choices are really often so difficult that is why I hate making choices. They make me feel uneasy and all but what can we do but face the consequences of the decisions we made, stand up to it, never back out stay strong and learn to compensate to what you did not choose it other means.
Hello Nats programming |
Let's look up the upside of it. It serves as a refresher for those times that I haven't been listening in the lectures of Java in my earlier years in college. Got a bit of the feel of Java too and decided to have a little fun with the "Hello World". Just got a thought of it because I'm gonna miss seeing her and hearing her soft voice since we are not classmates anymore. Supposedly, I would see her tomorrow but I guess it wouldn't be possible anymore. Who wouldn't have thought just when I finally made friends with her and gotten used to talking to her even though I just really never noticed her until now will come to an end so fast. Less than a week of fun has ended for me. The door that path that had opened has taken a separate route to what I have anticipated and that what makes it so sad. I am left speechless to what had demised, I want to return to that class again but then again, I want to take this training too. Choices are really often so difficult that is why I hate making choices. They make me feel uneasy and all but what can we do but face the consequences of the decisions we made, stand up to it, never back out stay strong and learn to compensate to what you did not choose it other means.
Shimmering smiles, glistening eyes, sparkling expressions illuminate you all above others. Shining so radiant that I could pick you off as a needle in a haystack. It has been a week since I started this blog with a mindset that this will be helping me clear my mind and get off that heaviness I have inside of me for the longest time. It has been quite a success for me since I did achieve the goal I was seeking for. But in time, it became more than just a meditation for me, it has evolve into a hobby. As I have known, I had never really liked writing. As a matter of fact, I did have a subject of technical writing when I was in high school and I couldn't even remember the jargons that was thought to us that time. I was also in journalism class then for two years and yet, my articles never seemed to have gotten publish in the school paper. I have no idea how to write, no formal training or whatsoever, I just write freely with my thoughts and in some magical way it becomes as colorful as a rainbow to others. Even I know that i don't follow the standards in writing that's why i have no confidence in mine. One cannot really write something good without first creating a draft. I learned that in writing class and somehow, I never really practiced that. My writing may look colorful but it is far from perfect, a lot of grammatical errors maybe seen throughout the article that would may look invisible in first glance but shouts out wrongness in every single way. Even the article I wrote for the RAMpage is something I am not sure of but still I'm proud of because for the first time, my writing finally got published in a school paper though I am not sure if another will be included again. Hopefully it can so the person who inspired me to do this may read an article of mine in the school paper.
A lot of my blog is dedicated to that person, i don't know why, i don't know if she even knows it, but i know she's reading this. For you that inspired me to write beyond my capabilities as a writer, you will forever be part of every article i make, every blog, every paragraph, each word, each letter has your name written on it as the one who believed in my writing. Writing is a way for me to speak to you. I am not a very vocal person to begin with anyways, I often say the meanest things or unflattering thoughts. But I am very lenient in my writing, straight-forward, and expressive. I can only tell you this things in writing for the reason I can cherish every word I tell you, I can record every letter i write about you and I can tell let the world read what I write about you. If only I can write in the skies at night with the stars as my pen and your thoughts as my ink. You are the the sunlight and the moonlight in the night sky I gaze upon each night just to see something so beautiful and light. For my inspiration of this piece, although I am good with letters but i'm horrible in words, I can only speak to you straight using writing as my best weapon. For I experience the hurt of the heart, you were a part of the medicine that is healing it through. I will give you my best regard in everything you do and stand by your side if you need me to pull you through, for you deserve the best in life, with beauty and kindness sharp as a knife. For I would never give you any doubt 'coz for you are really something inside and out. Never stop smiling because you always brighten the world of those who are lucky enough to see it.
they can't find evidence of love
the right time to get closer, the right time to give up
Can't even bring up the courage to hug one another
I can only accompany you up to here
After all, there are some things that I cannot do
Surpassing friendship, not quite reaching love
It's about to rain in a faraway place
Should I cry?
Is it you or I who thinks too much?
I'm really not convinced and I start to suspect
Is the person in front of me really the same you?
Ambiguity makes people feel wronged
they can't find evidence of love
the right time to get closer, the right time to give up
Can't even bring up the courage to hug one another
Ambiguity makes people greedy
until waiting loses its meaning
I cannot bear the fact that we cannot write out an ending
Let the beauty of regret stop right here
Ambiguity is indeed such a element that is needed to be cleared. Ambiguity creates curiousity and Curiousity leads to fear, that fear is the element that keeps people assuming and loosing sight of what is true.
Kudos to Maika for sharing this song with me :)
Unforeseen Likeness
note from the angel that guided me :) |
Merry and Lucky
"love til cry, cry til you laugh, laugh til forget, forget til you forgive. forgive til you love again.. but not with the same person" or as it goes that way, the words uttered by a person who has done that over and over again. I guess it can be an endless loop until it gets to the point "till you love another". Love is love and all is fair in the game of war but nothing compares to the joy brought to you by a friend name. A game starting with no plan whatsoever as what it has always been in the world of him until came this fair damsel who isn't polished in every day but somehow special in some way. With the company of this maiden from the depths of the white, a different path opened its way anew the crooked and narrow road ahead.
Waiting and anticipating the end of times came the moment of reckoning with the baptismal of the grail that holds the purpose for the travel to the complex of commercially retailed outlets known to as much as in Asia. Upon the arrival at the destination, work swiftly came into place as the grail as we call it was driven into functionality. For the reward of the company of this fair maiden, grams of sweetened treats were casted upon the maiden for her nice intention and rewardly prize to be purchased soon in a few times ahead in a place so green and high as hills. Surely as she deserves to be given this Omnia more than as a punch or a chat.
The maiden in the story has as much more beauty as she has already realized herself. Thoughts so simple to others and gestures unnoticed to a few may come in great surprise to those who can see what isn't perceived in traditional definitions. Never to stop in the steps of what's ahead must see not what's ahead but what's in sight. Grateful and Appreciative aren't more than enough words to be able to say so this blog isn't much of a thank you as it is diary of that day.
Good food, nice company, and a companion for mending. A store of treats for i have forgotten the name of the store which has the ambiance of the theatres. A flame-grilled burger with the side of fries and lemonade for me which cost around 140php and a kind of hotdog sandwich together with an order of fries as well as a lemonade for the maiden which cost similarly to mine but a bit more higher. As I said, good food and stuffing as well. As much as words don't have the capability to write what I want to tell, let us make this simple and clear as we can, Thanks for the first half of this day which had started by your generous offer as it has given me a chance to talk to you for the first time ever since we've become friends.
Waiting and anticipating the end of times came the moment of reckoning with the baptismal of the grail that holds the purpose for the travel to the complex of commercially retailed outlets known to as much as in Asia. Upon the arrival at the destination, work swiftly came into place as the grail as we call it was driven into functionality. For the reward of the company of this fair maiden, grams of sweetened treats were casted upon the maiden for her nice intention and rewardly prize to be purchased soon in a few times ahead in a place so green and high as hills. Surely as she deserves to be given this Omnia more than as a punch or a chat.
chuable :) |
Good food, nice company, and a companion for mending. A store of treats for i have forgotten the name of the store which has the ambiance of the theatres. A flame-grilled burger with the side of fries and lemonade for me which cost around 140php and a kind of hotdog sandwich together with an order of fries as well as a lemonade for the maiden which cost similarly to mine but a bit more higher. As I said, good food and stuffing as well. As much as words don't have the capability to write what I want to tell, let us make this simple and clear as we can, Thanks for the first half of this day which had started by your generous offer as it has given me a chance to talk to you for the first time ever since we've become friends.
Modu Modu
What you're looking at right there is the lightest mobile phone in the world (it holds the Guinness world record for most compact phone at a depth of 7.8 millimeters). Essentially it can call, text, and play music with its 2GB internal drive but what makes this different is that it has interchangeable jackets that will differ in functions like the photo suggests. Anyways check out the site: http://modumobile.com/
Globe is offering Modu on a plan which cost 7,999Php, which a little bit pricey considering you still have to buy jackets for your Modu. Or you can just take the advice of Modu, "Swap with your friends".
Kudos to RC Cruz for this info
Globe is offering Modu on a plan which cost 7,999Php, which a little bit pricey considering you still have to buy jackets for your Modu. Or you can just take the advice of Modu, "Swap with your friends".
Kudos to RC Cruz for this info
I was asked a couple of nights ago if I knew how to write a poem and if I can write her one. Actually, the answer to that question is no. I can't really make any good poems or anything near that sort of field. Many tells me I excel in expository and technical writing, things I learned from my writing professor in college, it's only a sad thing his leaving the institution. Anyway, back on topic, I did in fact grant her request even though I was doubtful on the quality of my work but at least I tried right? Wrong! The word "at least" is such an insulting word. It denotes that you've been taken for granted. So, here's another try on a poem, inspired and dedicated to the same person I did the first one on.....a new friend I never expected to be, a new friend I never imagine to have, a new friend I'm lucky to have, and a new friend I'm surely glad to have.
The voice I hear inside my head
The girl I see inside my mind
The motivation that I need
The reason I'm writing this rhyme
With grizzled eyes, I see
Holding back to purr your smile
With anticipation within me
To come forth this sweetness high
In a moment of heavenly touch
Every moment in which you speak
Only your voice is heard as much
For my ears are in need to seek
Never should be in disregard
Like the breath we breathe for granted
For you are the piece of shard
In which lives are seemingly brightened
If you lose faith in you
You have no need to pretend
I'm here to pull you through
For nothing else is a friend
The voice I hear inside my head
The girl I see inside my mind
The motivation that I need
The reason I'm writing this rhyme
With grizzled eyes, I see
Holding back to purr your smile
With anticipation within me
To come forth this sweetness high
In a moment of heavenly touch
Every moment in which you speak
Only your voice is heard as much
For my ears are in need to seek
Never should be in disregard
Like the breath we breathe for granted
For you are the piece of shard
In which lives are seemingly brightened
If you lose faith in you
You have no need to pretend
I'm here to pull you through
For nothing else is a friend
Absolutely love it when she smiles
After an utterly stupid mistake, the sun had set, the moon had shown half of its face and the sun had rose again. Another day to get a chance to talk to a seemingly nice girl. He, wanting to really make up from him mistake, rose to the challenge and made sure to wait for her in the only time they had the same schedule and seat next to her for the whole time. Well, the plan worked by him stealing someones seat. It was a good thing the one seated there was a nice guy or else he's dead. He was happy that she sat on the seat he saved for her and thus, it was a chance for them to talk. It was not much of talk anyway since there was a class and all but they were able to speak to each other via writing notes. With every note passed back and forth to each other, he noticed a smile in her face in a couple of them, a smile that was so nice and refreshing. Finally, he saw her smile and laugh that would fill anybody's day with satisfaction. He made a regret while avoiding to make one. Now, he made that regret into something so pretty.
our conversation :)
Story of a girl
One day a boy received a message from an unknown girl asking for some help. This girl was in fact an acquaintance of the said boy but he doesn't seem to remember much of the girl. It seems tragic to not know of acquaintance in the past before but for some reason has never really met in person, only in messages sent back and forth. Slowly, by each passing message, the fog becomes to lighten and the glass becomes more crystal. After a times has risen and set, he heard a voice, familiar to his ears yet so different. Turning and looking for the person he thought that voice belonged to, he saw nothing. But nothing isn't nothing, his brain transmitted the information of this person through his eyes thus, those eyes were only made to familiarize to a single person and seeing everything else as a background. Utterly a stupid mistake by him making the girl feel far from enthusiastic. His life going on as usual and hers? only she knows.
Until a few hours later, he realizes that it must be her! She must be the one though he's not really sure of it. Again, he saw her. Not really sure what to do, he asks, the colleagues who are around him for confirmation fearing the mistake that may unfold once he talks or it maybe, rather the fear he feels inside himself to talk to such a nice looking yet, shy girl. Not even himself know what happened but it seemed that she didn't hear his takecare upon departure. It may have been a huge mistake in his part to doubt himself in times like that even though many times have she confirmed her identity. Fearing to make regrets, he made a regret.....
Until a few hours later, he realizes that it must be her! She must be the one though he's not really sure of it. Again, he saw her. Not really sure what to do, he asks, the colleagues who are around him for confirmation fearing the mistake that may unfold once he talks or it maybe, rather the fear he feels inside himself to talk to such a nice looking yet, shy girl. Not even himself know what happened but it seemed that she didn't hear his takecare upon departure. It may have been a huge mistake in his part to doubt himself in times like that even though many times have she confirmed her identity. Fearing to make regrets, he made a regret.....
3Mendously Worthwhile
My experience with 3M Phlippines has definitely left me with a lot of lessons and values learned that I may carry on to school and my future professional career as well. learning new programming language and environments were probably the most essential thing I understood about the workplace not to mention camaraderie between workmates and professionalism.
The first day of my experience it 3M was sure frightening because I probably had no idea how i will adapt to it especially since I have no prior knowledge to the language I was going to use with my programming there. Then, there it was, I was given a project to do with macro excel and lotusnotes on my first week. I literally had no idea what I was doing but with help by my co-interns, supervisor, and of course Google, I was able to get through my first real job. It didn't take long for the inevitable to happen and I was given much more difficult tasks such as enhancing different databases with the special mention of the Electronic Price Pages. The enhancement of the said project was probably my main project as an intern in 3M. There were a lot of changes in the course of the coding of the project until the initialization and implementation of the project. A lot of debugging too but it was worth the effort to get the feeling of accomplishment knowing I was able to get the job done and running.
Nearing the end of my days as an intern in 3M, I was working mostly on maintaning the EPS database, making minor modifications with other databases, uploading PAs in as400 and teaching the new interns whom was suppossed to replace us on how to use Lotus notes, macro excel and all the stuff I did while I was under the said company.
I did learn a lot of things under the supervision of 3M Philippines. I learn't how to program with Excel in which I didn't know was possible until I started working in the company, I learned to use the Lotus Notes database system and how to program in domino designer with a foreign language in which i had no prior knowledge of. I learned how to be professional in the workplace and how to get along with fellow employees. Finally the most important thing is that I learned how to learn which is probably the foundation of adapting in any area.
The first day of my experience it 3M was sure frightening because I probably had no idea how i will adapt to it especially since I have no prior knowledge to the language I was going to use with my programming there. Then, there it was, I was given a project to do with macro excel and lotusnotes on my first week. I literally had no idea what I was doing but with help by my co-interns, supervisor, and of course Google, I was able to get through my first real job. It didn't take long for the inevitable to happen and I was given much more difficult tasks such as enhancing different databases with the special mention of the Electronic Price Pages. The enhancement of the said project was probably my main project as an intern in 3M. There were a lot of changes in the course of the coding of the project until the initialization and implementation of the project. A lot of debugging too but it was worth the effort to get the feeling of accomplishment knowing I was able to get the job done and running.
Nearing the end of my days as an intern in 3M, I was working mostly on maintaning the EPS database, making minor modifications with other databases, uploading PAs in as400 and teaching the new interns whom was suppossed to replace us on how to use Lotus notes, macro excel and all the stuff I did while I was under the said company.
I did learn a lot of things under the supervision of 3M Philippines. I learn't how to program with Excel in which I didn't know was possible until I started working in the company, I learned to use the Lotus Notes database system and how to program in domino designer with a foreign language in which i had no prior knowledge of. I learned how to be professional in the workplace and how to get along with fellow employees. Finally the most important thing is that I learned how to learn which is probably the foundation of adapting in any area.
This is note really a letter nor an essay nor a expository or technical write-up. Instead, this is more of an expression of spontaneous thoughts storming into the writer's mind as he strikes every key on the keyboard.
She is the epiphany. She is the epitome of sweetness. She has a rather striking personality in which you may find off-beat in times but is really a sweet tune of music. She has a soul which resonates to the hearts she touches. She is somewhere there, maybe nowhere, often everywhere, indefinitely in there, always here, here, near the aorta. She has the hair of every other girl, black or maybe dark brown, long, in some occasions, shoulder length due to unforeseen circumstances, soft and with the brilliant fragrance of the shampoo she meticulously selects. She has a voice of an angel, really now, can you think how may times that line has been used to describe the voice of a person. Although it might sound sweet and flattering. erase that--- She has a voice of sweet sensation, a voice capable of soothing the soul and give you a tingling sensation. It's neither high nor low, it's exactly what your heart needs. She has a captivating smile that may bring your world into a halt or suck your world into vacuum. She is active, she disseminates to the world, probably she may find it tiring to stay with only one. She is the epiphany .
He is the puzzle. He is not as sweet as every other boy nor is a skilled or profound. He waits. He goes to church hoping even with the slightest probability to see a familiar face, not that he goes to church just for that. He is definitely defensive. He asks for signs to someone with a lot of wisdom on how to approach each step of the way. He sees them even with an extra "L" or "S" or "I", he does indeed familiarize them with what he wants to tell his mind. He sees a lot: mini, white, curvy, tall, plunging, teared-up, pasta, red, blushing, straight, bumpers, slots, and many more you can think of if you already realize what they are. He never finds leisure in them. Thus, going back to seeing she even with the slightest similarity, hearing she with every voice so sweet, smelling she with the undeniably sweet aroma of perfumes, and feeling her with every emotion in his heart. He is silent. He isn't the emoistic type of person although "emoistic" is really a non-existent world he just thought of to coin a certain personality, he may be ingenious. He never likes to open up. He treasures joy and imprisons the opposite of joy which making his insides masochists. He sees the positive in life but not for himself but for.... He is the puzzle. He waits.
For this is not organized in any way necessary nor is pointed in any specific. But if you familiarize it, don't blame me. This is meant to be read as it was published. If it wasn't then there is no point of putting it here, the writer would have written on a piece of paper instead. For this is the first article the writer made via electronic device instead of paper which is still better, for so he thinks, just bear with it because he is the author and you can't do anything about it. You're free to criticize since most writers would love that sort of thing, good or bad, all are accepted, also cash if you like.
Writing is an art at a same time is a science, and also a hobby. You may define it as much as you want but definition means nothing as for it's not what truly you believe in, instead expound, elaborate, explain, describe. This is the first time the writer thought this way as for he had taken writing for granted. Learn to write with your hearts and minds not with your hands.
She is the epiphany. She is the epitome of sweetness. She has a rather striking personality in which you may find off-beat in times but is really a sweet tune of music. She has a soul which resonates to the hearts she touches. She is somewhere there, maybe nowhere, often everywhere, indefinitely in there, always here, here, near the aorta. She has the hair of every other girl, black or maybe dark brown, long, in some occasions, shoulder length due to unforeseen circumstances, soft and with the brilliant fragrance of the shampoo she meticulously selects. She has a voice of an angel, really now, can you think how may times that line has been used to describe the voice of a person. Although it might sound sweet and flattering. erase that--- She has a voice of sweet sensation, a voice capable of soothing the soul and give you a tingling sensation. It's neither high nor low, it's exactly what your heart needs. She has a captivating smile that may bring your world into a halt or suck your world into vacuum. She is active, she disseminates to the world, probably she may find it tiring to stay with only one. She is the epiphany .
He is the puzzle. He is not as sweet as every other boy nor is a skilled or profound. He waits. He goes to church hoping even with the slightest probability to see a familiar face, not that he goes to church just for that. He is definitely defensive. He asks for signs to someone with a lot of wisdom on how to approach each step of the way. He sees them even with an extra "L" or "S" or "I", he does indeed familiarize them with what he wants to tell his mind. He sees a lot: mini, white, curvy, tall, plunging, teared-up, pasta, red, blushing, straight, bumpers, slots, and many more you can think of if you already realize what they are. He never finds leisure in them. Thus, going back to seeing she even with the slightest similarity, hearing she with every voice so sweet, smelling she with the undeniably sweet aroma of perfumes, and feeling her with every emotion in his heart. He is silent. He isn't the emoistic type of person although "emoistic" is really a non-existent world he just thought of to coin a certain personality, he may be ingenious. He never likes to open up. He treasures joy and imprisons the opposite of joy which making his insides masochists. He sees the positive in life but not for himself but for.... He is the puzzle. He waits.
For this is not organized in any way necessary nor is pointed in any specific. But if you familiarize it, don't blame me. This is meant to be read as it was published. If it wasn't then there is no point of putting it here, the writer would have written on a piece of paper instead. For this is the first article the writer made via electronic device instead of paper which is still better, for so he thinks, just bear with it because he is the author and you can't do anything about it. You're free to criticize since most writers would love that sort of thing, good or bad, all are accepted, also cash if you like.
Writing is an art at a same time is a science, and also a hobby. You may define it as much as you want but definition means nothing as for it's not what truly you believe in, instead expound, elaborate, explain, describe. This is the first time the writer thought this way as for he had taken writing for granted. Learn to write with your hearts and minds not with your hands.
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