Shimmering smiles, glistening eyes, sparkling expressions illuminate you all above others. Shining so radiant that I could pick you off as a needle in a haystack. It has been a week since I started this blog with a mindset that this will be helping me clear my mind and get off that heaviness I have inside of me for the longest time. It has been quite a success for me since I did achieve the goal I was seeking for. But in time, it became more than just a meditation for me, it has evolve into a hobby. As I have known, I had never really liked writing. As a matter of fact, I did have a subject of technical writing when I was in high school and I couldn't even remember the jargons that was thought to us that time. I was also in journalism class then for two years and yet, my articles never seemed to have gotten publish in the school paper. I have no idea how to write, no formal training or whatsoever, I just write freely with my thoughts and in some magical way it becomes as colorful as a rainbow to others. Even I know that i don't follow the standards in writing that's why i have no confidence in mine. One cannot really write something good without first creating a draft. I learned that in writing class and somehow, I never really practiced that. My writing may look colorful but it is far from perfect, a lot of grammatical errors maybe seen throughout the article that would may look invisible in first glance but shouts out wrongness in every single way. Even the article I wrote for the RAMpage is something I am not sure of but still I'm proud of because for the first time, my writing finally got published in a school paper though I am not sure if another will be included again. Hopefully it can so the person who inspired me to do this may read an article of mine in the school paper.
A lot of my blog is dedicated to that person, i don't know why, i don't know if she even knows it, but i know she's reading this. For you that inspired me to write beyond my capabilities as a writer, you will forever be part of every article i make, every blog, every paragraph, each word, each letter has your name written on it as the one who believed in my writing. Writing is a way for me to speak to you. I am not a very vocal person to begin with anyways, I often say the meanest things or unflattering thoughts. But I am very lenient in my writing, straight-forward, and expressive. I can only tell you this things in writing for the reason I can cherish every word I tell you, I can record every letter i write about you and I can tell let the world read what I write about you. If only I can write in the skies at night with the stars as my pen and your thoughts as my ink. You are the the sunlight and the moonlight in the night sky I gaze upon each night just to see something so beautiful and light. For my inspiration of this piece, although I am good with letters but i'm horrible in words, I can only speak to you straight using writing as my best weapon. For I experience the hurt of the heart, you were a part of the medicine that is healing it through. I will give you my best regard in everything you do and stand by your side if you need me to pull you through, for you deserve the best in life, with beauty and kindness sharp as a knife. For I would never give you any doubt 'coz for you are really something inside and out. Never stop smiling because you always brighten the world of those who are lucky enough to see it.

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