Roses are red, violets are blue, for the time that is spent, is nothing but joy with you. The day of the hearts, roses are bloomed, chocolates are sweet, love is spread, souls looking for its mate. Valentines day is now, for everybody is with their significant other, physically or emotionally. Seeing things as it is, nothing compares to what you bring. Roses are expensive, they wither in a couple of days, chocolates are deadly, they'll stab you in a couple of years, cakes are more of the same, they'll fill your system with sweets, but time is precious, memories will always remain as it is as pure as gold. Whiter than the clouds, you signify purity with your smile. Brighter than the sun, you bring smiles with your laugh, as beautiful as the moonlight, you bring light to everything around. Like a cute little kid swaying at a mirror, you look adorable with those dimples naturally showing. To cut this short and straight, boom boom boom, the time that is spent is nothing but joy with you, it seems madness to pretend, not to see the apple of the clue, as the sweets triple in intent, all is nothing if it is not with you. Happy hearts as you were the very first to greet at the very last I saw.
style from the heart |
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