
Do you believe in parallel worlds? Wherein two people may never meet even though they are in the same vicinity at the same time. The concept of parallel worlds lives inside what we call "multiverse" wherein several universe exists. Alternate realities in which each one of them may or may not contain the same composition of people, things, and situations. This concept also opens up the idea of having another self in that parallel world wherein this "self" maybe exactly the opposite of you in "your" world. Although this concept is too absurd for a lot too believed that it is deemed  fiction in almost all resources you may find. Grasping the reality that this parallel worlds exist may be a bit too crazy but it still exist in our world, atleast not literally.

As it states, two people may never meet even though they are in the same place at the same time. It is in fact possible for this to happen as it has happened to me not once but twice with the same person. This said person that I am talking about was in fact in the same school I was in during my elementary days, batchmates to be exact. Six years in one campus and yet, I never saw her once or atleast I don't remember cause she looks totally different from then to now for sure. Well, I may have studied at a rather large school back then with the campus and all. Now, that I'm in college with only a single building with 12 floors as our campus, if you don't include the parking lot, she is yet again my batchmate. With a smaller area to not see each other, still, no contact from one another. Funny, 10years of being in the same place with common acquaintances and yet never even once do I have the memory of her or she of me. Not even once of crossing paths with such a small place to hide from one another. And we believe that we have a small world wherein everybody will be sooner or later be connected to somebody in one way or another but then, it is times like this that the world becomes so big that two people never really meet even though they walk the same walk. But eventually this parallel line will take a turn for fate and let this worlds meet.

You never really realized that this parallelisms are happening but only with time will it reveal itself that parallel worlds to exist. Well, not literally but your world and the world of another person travels the path exactly parallel to each other until those lines must change direction and thus letting them meet in a certain timespace. Like what she said to me, "At first you won't notice but once you get the idea, you'll notice it a lot more than usual".

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